
International Rules

Summer has finally truly arrived in Ireland with temperatures (drum-roll please) above the 70 degree mark. It was gorgeous on Saturday and one of my softball teamates suggested a picnic in the park. We ended up spending 5 hours there in flawless sunshine. Loveliness. I even played my first game of Cricket (with a couple of South African guys, an Ozzie, two Americans and a few of the local variety.) We even adopted a couple of Nigerian kids and added them to the game for a while. Practically a model UN! ;) We also had a throw-around with an American football but strangely I'm much better at Cricket than I am at football. I've never mastered the art of the spiral throw. All this sportiness was interspersed with bouts of eating...melting bits of cheese, strawberries and red wine handily disguised in plastic juice bottles.

Truly one of the best days I've had in a long time. The night ended (as they all do here) in the pub. It was great craic talking to people from all over the world about everything from the price of gold in Western Australia to the taste of springboc to Sex-Ed for 50-year-old Irish women to the best ways to get laid in Dallas if you happen to have an Australian accent (a long story...) And then there was the Lesbian Penis story (one for another day I promise. ;) ) Such good stuff. If only every day could be this warm and sunny and filled with good company and good beer.

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