
Just Us T(h) ree

Well, We've officially got ourselves a Christmas Tree although at the moment it's lying sadly on its side in our livingroom. We both swore we had a christmas tree stand under the stairs but after tearing the house apart, it appears to have been absconded with by a Christmas tree stand thief...or something. We have lights, various decorations from various Irish relatives and discount stores and the tree, all in various piles on the floor...hopefully we'll get it all sorted by tonight and I will have perty pictures of our efforts. It was actually quite comical getting the tree home last night. We went to the Irish version of Home Depot (called Woody's...there seems to be a connection between DIY and male anatomical hardware there but I won't go there...) We picked out the last halfway decent tree in the place. The trees here must be a different variety as they are much less picture perfect and more like real trees that you just personally went and hacked down in the backyard...there is a charm to them though, in that Charlie Brown Christmas tree sorta way. Anyway, we bought the thing (and a bunch of other stuff that we don't need but seemed cool at the time) and then we were faced with the prospect of getting it home. We just about managed to fit, Tom, myself and a six-foot evergreen in our Volkswagen Polo which (for any of you who've seen it either in picture or person) is quite a feat. It's about the size of a mini...and that's being generous. The tree went from the back of the trunk to the front windshield. We were stopped at an intersection on the way home and a cabbie idling in traffic next to us was laughing his leg off at us and our tree...the christmas version of a clown car. ;)

Hopefully we will soon be sipping mulled wine around our transplanted little pine tree....Cheers.

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