
Where the Faeries live...

Glendalough - Waterfall!
Originally uploaded by di_juice.

Took a drive in our new motor down south into Co. Wicklow which is probably one of the most beautiful counties in Ireland - a mixture of sandy beaches and lush mountainscapes. It is also home to Glendalough (where most of these photos were taken) which is a National Park and Historical site. We walked through a sixth century Monastic city full of mossy stone walls and headstones in the shape of celtic crosses (and quite a Phallic looking tower whose purpose I'm not sure of.) Very cool. There are also a bunch of different trails to hike through the mountains (which is where this waterfall shot was taken.) The best part is this giant misty gorge with lone "Six Feet Under" type trees silhouetted at the top. The water is super shiny and clean like mountain water can be (before it becomes polluted...) The whole place has a very Pacific Northwest vibe. I find that when I leave the city, the landscapes are often reminding me of Northern New England and Oregon all rolled into one. I absolutely love it.

After a somewhat crap week, I was so, so, psyched to be treking around the woods and rolling up my jeans to wade around in the mountain water. For a city girl, I really do feel most relaxed and happy when I'm surrounded by trees and/or water (lakes, ponds, ocean...I'm not picky.)

The last few weeks have actually been really beautiful weather wise but strangely the days are the spitting image of late September, early October days in Boston: The sky is vivdly blue and there's a bit of a chill in the air but it's still fairly warm. There's a particular smell in the air, slightly damp but crisp and the sun is starting to lower so that the light and shadow on everything is magnified giving color a brilliance that it doesn't normally have. I saw an enormous rainbow over the ocean last week during one of these Fall type days (as it always rains a little bit here even if the rain is falling through seemingly sunny skies.) It was really something. Put me in a good mood just to see it. Fall in New England is actually my favorite time of the year and days like this make me so nostalgic for apple picking and pumpkin carving and walks through the woods kicking leaves around while wearing the sweaters that have been in the closet all summer.

I have to say that it is really strange to have had weather like this in August, as in New England it is essentially the last hurrah of a dying season - the beauty of trees and plants and sun that are about to hibernate or die as the winter arrives. I have to wonder if that means that winter is going to be a very dark time here as the sun must be very, very, low in the sky come December... Well, time will tell...

On other notes, have started working from home one day a week which is fabulous. Cutting the three hours of commuting time from my day is really something and while I've only done it once, I felt like it was actually easier to stay focused and be productive at home than at work as I'm in my own comfortable and quiet little environment and can take little breaks to water my plants or make toast or pop in a CD or what have you. Very nice. After working from home last Tuesday, I actually had the energy to go up to the Clontarf Promenade and go (drum roll please...) jogging. Usually, I can only muster the energy to lie in front of the TV (or read the New Yorker or some scary Bridal magazine) by the time I get home and make/clean dinner which is really kind of depressing even if the TV here is pretty good compared to home. Have never before found my self watching any amount of TV every day. Have really been trying to limit it - watching too much makes me feel like I am a spectator in my own life, watching other people instead of being out there having my own experiences. Creepy. And I want to throw things when I see the same annoying adverts over and over again.

Thank god for the weekends and my trips to various lovelinesses. Last night had a great dinner with Michelle and Bryce. Good pizza and wine and homemade brownies with icecream and good conversation and the like. Friday went out to the Pub with Dominick and Helen but both nights, we were home before midnight - think I must be getting old. Didn't we used to go out around midnight?! Well, I'm off to go put on my grandma pants...where did I leave my teeth?!

Love to you all.

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